Family Comments!

  1. What were your first impressions of this blog? I liked the  appearance and color scheme of the blog.
  2. What captured your attention? Jack’s astute observations and honesty.
  3. What distracted you on the blog? At first I wasn’t sure what the format was since I am new to the world of blogging.
  4. What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?  I’d love to hear more of Jack’s opinions on various topics and have him flesh out his ideas a bit more because he is extremely clever.

Made by, Gemma Paolo my sister

10 B Blogging Questions

I have ten posts. Ten were school based. There were two comments. The post,”Interact” got the most comments and I think that was the most because they wanted to give me advice. I don’t have a favorite post because they all seem okay to me.

Yes I did change my theme because my first theme seemed childish. I have zero widgets and I am fine with it. There are zero overseas students on my blogroll.

Week10: Great Blogs

I chose the blog,”Learners united” because it gives good detail and I like what the blog is talking about. This blog talks about learning and how to make it more fun, and I do enjoy it.

Its background and everything about it seem awesome and very well made. I hope you read this blog, and I hope youlike it.